Last Shabbos on EURO 4G 2023!

Last Shabbos parent email

Crazy to say we finished our last week. Wow. Your incredible daughters accomplished so much this week. We started off Sunday packing Shabbos food for the needy in Sderot. Then we made our way to the Negev for sandboarding! On Monday the theme was out of this world. We started off at the Salad trail which is living proof of the prophecies that Israel’s land would only flourish when the Jewish people are here. Then we learnt about Ilan Ramon a famous Israeli astronaut at the Ramon Crater, and finished the day with guided stargazing and Hitbodidut! Tuesday theme was leading with Humility! We started the day making traditional Moroccan tile art, and reconnecting to our days in Morocco, and honoring the first community to make aliyah. Then we went way back in time to relate to Moshe, Dovid and so many more Jewish leaders with Shepherding! Next we went to Kever rachel and ended the day with a mishmar on standing up against Anti semitism. Wednesday’s theme was living history! We started the day learning about our forefathers and mothers at Mearat hamachpela. Then we learned traditional Jewish bread making at Pat bimelach. Last we to a biblical Jeep tour, following the route of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov on the oldest paths in Israel. We started Tisha Bav together that night with a meaningful program on the power of connection. Thursday we spent the morning of Tisha Bav learning the kinnot from our incredible advisors and ended the fast with a Kumzits at the kotel where thousands came together to pray that this should be the last year mourning on Tisha Bav. Friday, we splashed through Ir David tunnels and spent the afternoon exploring the streets of Ben yehuda and Machane yehuda shuk! Can’t wait for Shabbos in the old city with such a special EURO 4G family.

Enjoy a reflection from our very own Orli!:

Week 3 on Euro 4G was amazing! We started off our first full week in Israel on a great note, with a beautiful walking tour of Tsfat filled with meaningful history. Then we visited the Sheva Chaya Glass Blowing studio in the artists quarter of Tsfat, where Sheva Chaya showed us firsthand the art of glass blowing to make beautiful sculptures and various pieces. After we went shopping and had a great lunch, we visited the Cistern, where we learned about our name pasukim, saw a 3D presentation on how Torah scrolls are made, and then had the opportunity to write just like a sofer in feather and ink on scroll paper. After mincha and chaburas overlooking Tsfat, we returned to the hotel in Tiberas for an awesome night activity. Before we knew it, it was already Monday, and we were learning all about shofars and how they are made before splashing into the waters of the kineret, having so much kef- fun- at aqua kef! On Tuesday we continued to have even more fun in the water, squeezing in our swimming time before the start of the 9 days. We worked together, building our achdus in raft building teams and paddling through the kineret in the rafts we made together. Before going back to having a blast in the water, this time with rafting down the Jordan River, we went to Mt. Ben Tal and explored IDF bunkers there. After such a fun and tiring day, every girl had a chance to showcase their talents in a “human auction” night activity. On Wednesday we braved the cliffs of Mitzpe Ramon with repelling, learned so much about our past at Acco prison, and saw some jaw-dropping views at Rosh Hanikra. Another fun-filled day had flown by, and before we knew it the sun had set and we were eating a delicious pizza dinner on the boardwalk and ending our amazing day with ice cream for dessert! We were excited for another amazing day but sad to separate for our free weekend when on Thursday, we made the most of our last few hours of the week together by living just like Avraham Avinu, riding on donkeys and baking pita in Kfar Kedem. Finally, we said our goodbyes and separated for our free weekends with our family’s and friends, pumped for a restful shabbos before another fun filled week together! Have a good shabbos!

Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos Nachamu, and as always thank you for sending your precious daughters to have the summer of a lifetime!

Shayna Gewirtz

EURO 4G Director


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