EURO 4G 2023 Shabbos #2 in Tiveria!

Dear EURO 4G Parents,

On Sunday, we crossed a country and continent from Gibraltar in Europe to Morocco in Africa ON FOOT. While on the ferry between Europe and Africa, we got the once in a lifetime chance to say the Bracha for when you see two oceans meetin the straits of Gibraltar, where the Atlantic and Mediterranean meet. Then we walked through the old Moroccan medina and saw the ancient Shul of Rabbi Moshe Nahon. After that we headed to horseback riding on Amira beach! Monday, we boated along a waterfall and hiked the beautiful Moroccan terrain. On Tuesday, we mustered up the courage to walk across a rope bridge between two mountains to multiple zip lines flying through the Moroccan air. Next, we brought Torah back to the Al Azama Shul by having our incredible advisor chaburas there, and finished the day walking through the indoor Shuk and a Henna party with traditional artists. Wednesday, we started the morning with a swim and then made our way to Jamma el Fma, one of the busiest

outdoor markets in the world. We ate lunch IN a river in the Ourika Valley, equipped with tables and chairs in the water. We stopped to daven mincha at the tomb of Rabbi Solomon Ben Hencha. To finish off our time in Africa, we went GLAMPING in the truly stunning Agafay desert, where we swam, ate, and watched a fire juggling show. We woke up Thursday and went straight to ATVing and camel riding wearing the traditional kaftan and scarf. We closed our time in Europe and Africa in Casablanca with a closing banquet at Circe de leunion and then to the airport to Israel!! We landed in Israel this morning where we

stopped at the Haas Promenade to view of all of the Old City, and then on to daven at the Kotel (for eight of us for the first time!) We ate a delicious lunch in the Rova and went on our way up north to Tiveria for Shabbos!

Here is a reflection of the week written by one of our amazing Euro 4Gers, Yamaya Newman!

We had an awesome time on Week 2 of Euro 4G!!! On Sunday, we packed our bags and said goodbye to the amazing Gibraltar where we spent our first shabbos together. After waking up bright and early, we went on a scenic ferry to get to Morocco and enjoyed the ocean  views and even a quick shluff. We  got to say the bracha for when 2 oceans meet each other, which was an added treat because who doesn’t love saying brachas. When we got to Tanjier, we followed our tour guide Mohammed and explored the old Medina.  After this was done, we soaked it all in at the Moroccan beach, where we went horseback riding on the shore! Then, after learning Torah of course, we went back to our comfy hotel and slept. Next day…Monday!! We had a blast on Monday in the Ouzourd falls going on boats, swimming in the refreshing water, and even challenging ourselves to navigate directions in the African desert. Let’s zip to Tuesday, where we walked across Terres D’emanar on a beautiful bridge. We ziplined across the mountains and canyon in awe. After this adventurous journey, we enjoyed a delicious Moroccan dinner and got authentic Moroccan hennas! Oh, and we got our laundry back BH. On Wednesday, we got our Deerhams ready to bargain for the best prices possible in the Moroccan shuks! Later that day, we had the privileged of visiting Rabbi Shlomo Ben Lachnas Z”l kever, which was very meaningful. We lit candles in honour of this very special Tzaddik and his actions throughout his life. We got to daven mincha in this holy place. After taking a swim in a refreshing lake, we drove into the Moroccan desert and had an amazing night filled with dance party’s, fire shows, swimming, and the highlight-our very own Moroccan singer. After a quick fire, we headed off to our fully air conditioned tents and enjoyed a great night sleep to prepare for Thursday (most glamorous glamping possible). On Thursday morning we had the best time riding on ATVs and camels! We even got dressed up in traditional Middle Eastern clothing for this occasion. After this, we headed to the airport and got ready to go to our home. Israel. Our flight landed safely this morning, and after meeting our new tour guide Tziona we headed to the kotel. We had a very meaningful time there davening to Hashem, so close to where the Beit HaMikdash once was! After this we had some free time to walk around the Jewish Quarter, exploring the shops and of course appreciating the absolutely delicious food. Now, we’re heading off to Teveria for a meaningful shabbos full of learning and fun. We can’t wait for our adventure to continue!

We can’t believe that it’s already been 10 days and counting! Thank you so much for sending your brave world travelers with us this summer.  Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos!

Shayna Gewirtz
Euro 4G Director

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